Monday, March 13, 2017

Pokemon starter by jacky L, Lin Xiao, Junbin

Image result for starter pokemonHello, today we will tell you about Pokemon starter.


The first Pokemon starter is Charmander. Charmander is a fire type Pokemon.
Charmander evolution 
Charmander evolve to Charmelon then Charzaird. 
Chaizard attack.
His attack is flamethrower, steel wing, dragon claw, dragon tail, dragon rage, and earthquake, smokescreen, Charizard speed is 70.


The next starter is Squirtle 
Squirtle evolution 
Squirtle evolve to Wartortle then Blastoise.
Blastoise attack Water gun , Scald , Flash Cannon , Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Tail Whip , Rapid Spin.
Blastoise speed  is 50.


The last Pokemon starter is Bulbasaur. It is a grass type. 
Bulbasaur Evolution
Bulbasaur evolve to Ivysaur and Venusaur.
Venusaur attack
Venusaur attack is razor leaf , solar beam , jungle hammer , poison string , vine whip , bite , and petal dance.
Venusaur speed
The speed is 50. 
Bye I will see next time Pokemon friends.

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