Wednesday, January 11, 2017

China by Emily

Hi everybody today I'm going to teach you about China. Do you know that China is the third biggest country in the world? China also has the most people in the world. China's people also invented the 4 great inventions paper, compass, gunpowder, and last but not least silk. China also built an amazing thing it's called The Great Wall of China. People use this sculpture to keep out the enemies and also strangers. Bye everybody see you next time.


  1. By: Jiang Rui
    My mom said that she had travel over all of the Great Wall of China!����

  2. Jingle Rui are you sure your mom travel that far? It is impossible!😯

  3. My mom has a photo of her on the end of the Great Wall.
    By: Jiang Rui

    1. My mom had a picture of her going to the great wall too!
