Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Cats by Joyce

Today we are going to talk about cats. Cats are sometimes aggressive but sometimes they're calm. When cats are aggressive they scratch things with their claws and they bite things with their teeth. When cats are calm they might purr or take a nap. There are different types of cats and they look different, but they are just cats doing their own habit. They are mammals just like humans. There are male cats and female cats. Female cats sometimes give birth to baby cats which is called kittens. Cats like to eat fish and drink milk. Some cats play with toys.
Image result for pregnant cat

This is a pregnant cat.

                                                                                                                    This is a kitten.
Image result for bengal catThis is a Calico Bengal kitten.

How to make a bracelet By Emily Lin

Hello everyone today I'm going to teach you how to make a bracelet. First, select the beads you want to use. Arrange them in the order you want. Next, cut your beading cord about 11 inches long. Then, tie a knot on one of the ends. Thread the beads onto the cord in the order or design you have chosen. Last, tie the two ends together and make sure it is a little bigger than your hand so you can slide it on or off. So that's how you make a bracelet bye!
This is a example of a bracelet.

How to make a Daisy Chain by: Jiang Rui

(This is a blue daisy chain)
(This is how the blue daisy chain should look like)
Hi everyone! Today I am going to teach you how to make a daisy chain. You will need a 11 inch string and 8 beads. First, thread 3 beads onto the string. Add 4 more beads in the color you have chosen for your flower petals. Repeat for the other side. Last, tie it together and repeat every step to make more daises. This is how you make a daisy chain. Bye!

Volcanoes by Hannah

Hi! Today I am teaching you about volcano. A "Ring of Fire" goes around the Pacific Ocean. The "Ring of Fire" is an imaginary circle. It goes along the coast of North America down from the state of Alaska to the country of Mexico. On the other side of the Pacific Ocean, it runs north through the countries of New Zealand, Philippines, and Japan. This "Ring of Fire" gets its name from lava that comes up from deep in the ground along this ring. More than half of the world's volcanoes are inside this ring. Thousands of earthquakes shake the ground each year inside the "Ring of Fire". The land around the "Ring of Fire" changes all the time. Large mountains form over millions of years. Volcanoes and earthquakes along the "Ring of Fire" kill people and destroy many things. Scientists watched a volcano form for the first time in 1943. It happened near the village of Paricutín west of Mexico City. Farmers in Paricutin saw some strange things happening. First, they felt heat come up from the fields. Then they saw a crack, or opening, in the ground. Steam and rocks came out of the crack.  lava and ash came out too. The ash and rocks made a hill that looked like a cone. Finally, the cone became a mountain that was more than 1,300 feet tall. The Paricutin volcano continued to erupt until 1952. It destroy the farmers fields and the town. There had been many earthquakes in the area before the first eruption in 1943. Mount St. Helens Volcano, in Washington State, had been inactive for 123 years. Then, in march 1980, the area was shaken by a series of small earthquakes. Steam rose from the mountain. A huge bulge formed on its side. Scientists recognized the signs of an upcoming eruption. People were warned to evacuate. Unfortunately, not everyone listened.bye!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

How to draw lavenders by: Ashlee

Hey guys, today I am going to teach you how to use markers and crayons to draw a flower called lavender. So first you have to draw the main shape of the lavender (draw it with a purple marker).Then you will (use crayons) to mix violet purple with (purple+blue). After that you can use the marker that you use first to color on top of your mix. Then you draw the main shape for the leaves. Afterwards, you mix light green with a green that is a little bit darker. After that, you use a light green marker to color on top of the mix. Finally you color the rest of the paper light blue mix dark blue. Good luck!
This is the lavender that I drew

Friday, January 13, 2017

Lucy Kalantari by Erick

Hello everybody! Do you know about Lucy Kalantari? If you know her she is an artist who loves to Lsing. She made a lot of good songs that you might love to hear! The two albums she made are "Big Things" and "Pockets Full of Joy." You can listen to her songs on google. Just type in: Now you are on your way to hear her songs. Bye!

GoMath by Joyce

GoMath is math for kids to learn math. There is different GoMath book grades. The one we are going to talk about is Third Grade.
In GoMath we found unknown numbers with either letters or arrays. We also did multiplication. We used shapes for the unknown numbers. Also, we did word problems that are related to multiplication. The last question was easy because it was true or false that's related to multiplication. Our teacher taught us it first before we started the work. We always start on share and show. This is what we did in GoMath.

This is a picture of the cover.

China by Mandy

This is China's last emperor when he is grown up.
Hi guys! Guess what you will be learning about. That's right, China. Did you know that China has the world's largest population? China also has one of the fastest-growing economies on the whole entire Earth. In Ancient China, soldiers flew noisy kites to frighten their enemies. In China people called Western China " The Roof of the World". China's first emperor was named Qin Shi Huang di {chin shirr hwong-dee}. China's last emperor was named Pu Yi { poo yee}. Pu Yi became emperor when he was just two. I hope you enjoy this article. See you soon!
This is China's first emperor.
This is china's last emperor when he was two.

Best teacher by Anthony

Hey guys today I going to be talking about my amazing teacher so lets get started.                                

I have the best teacher ever because she buys art and crafts and sometimes she don't even give us homework.  #Coolest teacher ever and she even take us to MoMath and there was cool things like bikes in blokes is in that so cool and she makes parties a halloween party or a thanks giving and some times she let us draw oohhh and she let us play the computer in chose time oohhh and we or going to read the peter pan book and we or in chapter one but we are going to go to chapter 2 now Peter now and that the chapter we or going to read today. And she look like fashion to! oohh I think is time for my best teacher mating so see you next time at Anthony bloggers so byeeeee!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

China by Emily

Hi everybody today I'm going to teach you about China. Do you know that China is the third biggest country in the world? China also has the most people in the world. China's people also invented the 4 great inventions paper, compass, gunpowder, and last but not least silk. China also built an amazing thing it's called The Great Wall of China. People use this sculpture to keep out the enemies and also strangers. Bye everybody see you next time.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Dragons by Joel

Hey guys, I'm back today, to teach you guys how different dragons look and what their elements are. First, some dragons have spikes on their backs and some on their tails. Colorful dragons are sometimes poisonous dragons and their elements are fire, water, grass, earth, sky, and ice.
There are even Chinese dragons and Chinese dragons are also famous. There are evil and nice dragons around the world. See you next time!

Friday, January 6, 2017

How to make Sushi (By Feynman)

Hey guys! Today, I will be showing you how to make sushi. So first, get a bamboo mat and put it in the table which is a, mat that is made out of bamboo, which you can buy it in a kind of material store. Next, put a big piece of seaweed in the bamboo mat, and when you have done that,the next step is to put rice all over the big piece of seaweed, but leave 1/2 of the left side, but not the ENTIRE left side! It'll only be like 1/2 inch wide that'll be not be with rice. If you want to add some toppings to it (food) then, put it in the center. If you can't handle the toppings, and it keeps rolling away, don't add it, happens to me too! Next, roll it. When, you have rolled it, cut it into 6 pieces of sushi. When you have done that, your finished! So, that's how to make sushi! Bye! :)

Sushi Image (caption)