Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Southern Africa by Mandy

Hi guys! I'm back today to teach you about South Africa. Did you know that plateaus cover about two-thirds of the country? The three main ones are the Highveld, the Middleveld, and the Bushveld. The longest river in South Africa is the Orange River. It flows to the Atlantic Ocean. A lighthouse marks the high point at the Cape of Good Hope. One of the men who fought the apartheid was Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela became president of South Africa in 1994. He served until 1999. In the past, South Africa had only two official languages. The two official languages are English and Afrikaans. But after the apartheid ended, the government added nine more official languages. They are Zulu, Xhosa, Tswana, Venda, Tsonga, Nelebele, Swazi, Northern Sotho, and Southern Sotho. Bye friends! I'll see you all next time!
This is Nelson Mandela. 

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